My latest hack around Server::Starter

In past few days, I sent some p-r to Sever-Stater. This is my note around these commits.

Added --stop option #28

I added --stop option. You can stop server process by this option. Then, we can write deployment script easier.

Do not close STDIN if fd=0 was duplicated. #29

Few days ago, I added --port=$PORT=$FD option. But it doesn't work with --daemon option. Because --daemon option closes STDIN after duplicate fd.

In this p-r, --daemon option don't close STDIN if file descriptor zero is duplicated fd.

Do not unlink status_file if the process doesn't create it. #32

server::starter unlink the status-file before exit. It remove another server-stater process' status file.

This issue caused by user's miss operation, but it's serious issue.

    1. start_server --status-file=foo.status ...
    1. start_server --status-file=foo.status ...
    1. start_server --restart --status-file=foo.status ...

In this case, 2nd step unlinks foo.status. As a result, 3rd step wouldn't work.