Kotlin で Mac の window list を得る

方法を探したが、結局 ProcessBuilder プロセスで AppleScript を実行するのが正攻法っぽい。

import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.InputStreamReader

class WindowNameCollector {
    data class WindowState(val processName: String, val processId: String, val bundleId: String, val windowName: String)

    fun getWindowStateList(): List<WindowState> {
        val windowListString = getWindowListString()

        return parseWindowState(windowListString)

    private fun parseWindowState(input: String): List<WindowState> {
        // Regex pattern for matching the input string.
        val pattern = """Process: '(.+?)', PID: '(.+?)', Bundle ID: '(.+?)', Window: '(.+?)'""".toRegex(RegexOption.DOT_MATCHES_ALL)

        // Try to find a match in the input string.
        val matchResults = pattern.findAll(input)
        return matchResults.map { matchResult ->
            val (processName, processId, bundleId, windowName) = matchResult.destructured
            WindowState(processName, processId, bundleId, windowName)

    private fun getWindowListString(): String {
        val script = """
tell application "System Events"
    set procs to processes
    set results to ""
    repeat with proc in procs
        if exists (window 1 of proc) then
            repeat with w in windows of proc
                set results to results & "Process: '" & name of proc & "', PID: '" & unix id of proc & "', Bundle ID: '" & bundle identifier of proc & "', Window: '" & name of w & "'\n"
            end repeat
        end if
    end repeat
    return results
end tell

        val pb = ProcessBuilder("osascript", "-e", script)
        val p = pb.start()

        val lines = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(p.inputStream)).use { reader ->

        val exitStatus = p.waitFor() // Wait for the process to finish.
        if (exitStatus != 0) {
            throw RuntimeException("Failed to execute osascript. Exit status: $exitStatus")

        return lines