ターミナルアプリ。ghostty や iTerm2 などもちょこちょこ触ってみたものの、WezTerm が一番しっくりくる。
lua で設定書けるのもよい。
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
-- font = wezterm.font("Cica"), -- 自分の好きなフォントいれる
use_ime = true,
font_size = 14.0,
-- https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/colorschemes/index.html
color_scheme = "OneHalfDark",
-- hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true,
-- adjust_window_size_when_changing_font_size = false,
-- show underline for link
-- https://github.com/wez/wezterm/issues/2496
selection_word_boundary = " \t\n{}[]()<>\"'`,;:=",
mouse_bindings = {
-- Default behavior is to follow open links. Disable, just select text.
{event={Up={streak=1, button="Left"}}, mods="NONE", action=wezterm.action.CompleteSelection("PrimarySelection")},
-- and make CTRL-Click open hyperlinks (even when mouse reporting)
{event={Up={streak=1, button="Left"}}, mods="CTRL", action="OpenLinkAtMouseCursor", mouse_reporting=true},
{event={Up={streak=1, button="Left"}}, mods="CTRL", action="OpenLinkAtMouseCursor"},
-- Since we capture the 'Up' event, Disable 'Down' of ctrl-click to avoid programs from receiving it
{event={Down={streak=1, button="Left"}}, mods="CTRL", action="Nop", mouse_reporting=true},
その後、alacritty に移行した@20250127
Published: 2024-12-12(Mon) 08:50