How to optimize smart match operator in perl5 interpreter.
This entry is just thinking note for me.
% perl -MO=Terse -e '1 ~~ 2' LISTOP (0x11ba080) leave [1] OP (0x11ab4f0) enter COP (0x11b9c30) nextstate BINOP (0x11ba150) smartmatch SVOP (0x11ba3e0) const IV (0x1195328) 1 SVOP (0x11ba290) const IV (0x11b0890) 2
% perl -MO=Terse -E 'given(1) { when (2) { } }' LISTOP (0x1171d30) leave [1] OP (0x105e0e0) enter COP (0x11a2970) nextstate UNOP (0x1171db0) leavegiven LOGOP (0x1171d70) entergiven [1] SVOP (0x105df70) const IV (0x11a3c28) 1 LISTOP (0x1171df0) scope OP (0x10ff2e0) null [177] UNOP (0x1171e30) leavewhen LOGOP (0x1171ea0) enterwhen BINOP (0x1172010) smartmatch OP (0x11a1880) padsv [1] SVOP (0x11a28f0) const IV (0x117c750) 2 LISTOP (0x11a28b0) scope OP (0x11a1940) stub OP (0x1065770) break
I think following heuristic knowledge.
- usage of smart match operator is mostly given-when.
- the argument of when () is mostly constants.
- then, the right operand of smart match operator is mostly constant.
If perl5 adds optimized pp_* such as pp_smartmatch_right_operand_is_array, given-when will even fast.
And, I think following four op codes might be useful.
- pp_smartmatch_arayref
- pp_smartmatch_scalar
- pp_smartmatch_refgexp
- pp_smartmatch_undef
「smart match operator の右辺値はほとんどの場合で定数値」だとおもう。