my $router = router {
connect '/' => {controller => 'Router', action => 'index'};
submapper('/entry/{id:[0-9]+}', controller => 'Entry')
->connect('/show', {action => 'show'})
->connect('/edit', {action => 'edit'});
my $psgi_app = sub {
my $env = shift;
if (my $p = $router->match($env)) {
"MyApp::C::$p->{controller}"->can($p->{action})->($env, $p->{args});
} else {
return [404, [], ['not found']];
I released Router::Simple 0.01 to CPAN.
This is PSGI friendly, fast, lightweight, documented, few deps, and powerful web application dispatcher for Perl5.
The rules are taken from
HTTP::Router: 0.05
Router::Simple: 0.01
HTTPx::Dispatcher: 0.07
Rate HTTPx-Dispatcher HTTP-Router Router-Simple
HTTPx-Dispatcher 649/s -- -83% -99%
HTTP-Router 3794/s 485% -- -93%
Router-Simple 56776/s 8653% 1397% --
Yes, Fast!
Yes!Router::Simple only depend to List::Util and
List::Util was first released with perl 5.007003
parent was first released with perl 5.010001
Yes!This module don't load much modules.
rules are upper compatible.You can move to Router-Simple very easy!
I hope this module is useful for you. Enjoy!