use Daiku for very customizable Makefile.PL
Module::Install::TestTargets is cool *hack*. But it's code is too complex and the code using it is not maintainable.
So here is yet another approach for this issue using Daiku.
↓Makefile using Daiku and other ExUtils::* modules.
use Daiku; use autodie ':all'; use ExtUtils::InstallPaths; use CPAN::Meta (); use File::Find::Rule (); use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile catdir rel2abs/; use ExtUtils::Helpers 0.007 qw/make_executable split_like_shell build_script manify man1_pagename man3_pagename/; use ExtUtils::Install qw/pm_to_blib install/; sub load_meta { my ($metafile) = grep { -e $_ } qw/META.json META.yml/ or die "No META information provided\n"; return CPAN::Meta->load_file($metafile); } my @MODULES = File::Find::Rule::find(file => name => [qw/*.pm *.pod/], in => 'lib'); my @SCRIPTS = File::Find::Rule::find(file => name => '*', in => 'script'); task 'all' => ['build']; task 'init' => ['Makefile'] => sub { 0 }; task 'build' => [@MODULES, @SCRIPTS] => sub { my %opt; pm_to_blib({ map { $_ => catfile('blib', $_) } @MODULES, @SCRIPTS }, catdir(qw/blib lib auto/)); make_executable($_) for File::Find::Rule::find(file => in => catdir(qw/blib script/)); manify($_, catdir('blib', 'bindoc', man1_pagename($_)), 1, \%opt) for @SCRIPTS; manify($_, catdir('blib', 'libdoc', man3_pagename($_)), 3, \%opt) for @MODULES; chmod +(stat $_)[2] & ~0222, $_ for map { catfile('blib', $_) } @SCRIPTS, @MODULES; }; task 'install' => ['build'] => sub { my %opt; my $meta = load_meta(); my $paths = ExtUtils::InstallPaths->new(%opt, dist_name => $meta->name); install($paths->install_map, @opt{'verbose', 'dry_run', 'uninst'}); }; # silly hack file 'Makefile' => ['Makefile.PL'] => sub { open my $fh, '>', 'Makefile'; for (qw/all test clean install/) { print {$fh} "$_:\n" . "\t$^X $0 $_\n\n"; } close $fh; }; task 'clean' => sub { for (qw/Makefile/) { unlink $_ if -f $_ } }; task 'test' => ['build'] => sub { system 'prove -Ilib t/'; }; build(shift @ARGV || 'init');
↓META.json describes dependencies.
{ "resources" : { "license" : "" }, "no_index" : { "directory" : [ "inc", "t", "xt" ] }, "meta-spec" : { "version" : "1.4", "url" : "" }, "distribution_type" : "module", "version" : "0.01", "name" : "example", "author" : [ "Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF GMAIL COM>" ], "license" : "perl", "build_requires" : { "Test::More" : "0.96", "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.42" }, "requires" : { "perl" : "5.8.1", "Mouse" : "0.92" }, "abstract" : "Make for Perl", "configure_requires" : { "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.42", "Daiku" : "0.03", "CPAN::Meta" : 0, "ExtUtils::Helpers" : "0.007", "ExtUtils::Install" : 0, "ExtUtils::InstallPaths" : "0.002", "File::Find::Rule" : 0, "File::Slurp" : 0, "File::Spec::Functions" : 0, "Getopt::Long" : 0, "JSON" : "2" } }
I think this approach is very useful to development your own application, is not deploying to CPAN.