☆plenv☆ 〜 brand new perl5 installation management tool♪ 〜
I implemented brand new perl5 installation management tool named plenv.
from rbenv
plenv is inspired from rbenv, from ruby world. rbenv provides a missing feature in perlbrew, it can use .ruby-version file to manage project local perl module.
Use .perl-version!!
With plenv, when you put a .perl-version file to ~/dev/MyProj/.perl-version, you can use your required perl version under the ~/dev/MyProj/ directory!
It means, you can specify the perl version, project locally.
Fast bootstrapping!
plenv is very fast at .(ba|z)shrc. It only adds one path to $PATH.
Easy to install!
You can install plenv with three ways.
You can install homebrew to install plenv if you are using OSX!
% brew install plenv
% echo 'PATH=~/.plenv/shims/:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
install from git!
You can install plenv by git, too!
% git clone git://github.com/tokuhirom/plenv.git ~/.plenv/
% echo 'PATH=~/.plenv/bin/:~/.plenv/shims/:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
install from CPAN
Of course, you can install plenv with CPAN(Not recommended, I uploaded to CPAN, but It's only for promotion)!
sudo -H cpan -i App::plenv
And, plenv is early stage project, patches welcome. Enjoy!
Published: 2013-01-01(Mon) 04:46