Understanding MoarVM's test suite
moarvm is virtual machine for 6model(Perl6's), being built for NQP and Rakudo Perl 6. It's a good stuff I think.
Then, I want to understand moarvm project do.
moarvm's test suite(t/moar/) is written in nqp using MASTTesting.nqp.
And you can enable the debugging mode by MVMDEBUG environment variable.
% MVMDEBUG=1 nqp foo.nqp
Then you got a TEST_NAME.moarvm, TEST_NAME.mvmdump, TEST_NAME.mastdump per test case.
It means you can run the code under the gdb easily.
% gdb --args ../moarvm TEST\_NAME.argvm
【Update】 Updated by comment.
Published: 2013-06-06(Tue) 12:15