
gradle で findbugs の除外ルールを設定する

findbugs {
    excludeFilter = file("${project.rootDir}/config/findbugs/findbugs_filter.xml")


以下のようなファイルを設置。 see

       <Class name="com.foobar.ClassNotToBeAnalyzed" />

       <Class name="com.foobar.ClassWithSomeBugsMatched" />
       <Bug code="DE,UrF,SIC" />

     <!-- Match all XYZ violations. -->
       <Bug code="XYZ" />

     <!-- Match all doublecheck violations in these methods of "AnotherClass". -->
       <Class name="com.foobar.AnotherClass" />
         <Method name="nonOverloadedMethod" />
         <Method name="frob" params="int,java.lang.String" returns="void" />
         <Method name="blat" params="" returns="boolean" />
       <Bug code="DC" />

     <!-- A method with a dead local store false positive (medium priority). -->
       <Class name="com.foobar.MyClass" />
       <Method name="someMethod" />
       <Bug pattern="DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE" />
       <Priority value="2" />

     <!-- All bugs in test classes, except for JUnit-specific bugs -->
      <Class name="~.*\.*Test" />
          <Bug code="IJU" />
